2024年06月14日 11:05:56对珍妮特来说,这一切听起来熟悉得叫人丧气。It all sounded depressingly familiar to Janet.嘉莉又疲倦又丧气, 不过现在她可以休息了.Carrie was tired and dispirited, but now she could rest.这人很年青,贼眉鼠眼,满脸丧气.He was a young man with furtive eyes and a sullen ... -
2024年06月14日 18:11:55It is undeniable that the economic picture is brightening.不可否认经济状况正在好转。"Oh, we'd love to!" cried Nancy, her face brightening.“哦,我们很乐意!”南希面露喜色,大声说道。" All right,'said Drouet, brightening.“ 好的, "杜洛埃说, 又快... -
2024年06月14日 09:43:56...plants in terracotta pots.赤土花盆里的植物I've heard so much about the Terracotta.我对兵马俑慕名已久.four terracotta horses四匹赤褐色的马The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character.陶瓦地板使这个地方给人一种非常... -
2024年06月14日 22:28:09那些富家子弟爱现得令人讨厌.Those rich kids are disgusting show - offs.唬的满屋中子弟都怔怔的痴望.The whole roomful of boys was dumbfounded.比较保守的詹德尔斯家子弟不耐烦受惠普尔的领导.One of the more conservative Janders chafed at working under Whipple.... -
2024年06月14日 00:16:57South Africa was going through a period of irreversible change.南非正在经历一场不可逆转的变革。The decision is irreversible.这一决定不能取消.She had been in what doctors described as an irreversible vegetative state for five years.她处于... -
2024年06月14日 19:07:10He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn't take too much time...他说他希望结成联盟的工作不会耗时太久。Many of the coalition members could have their own political agendas.许多联盟成员可能会有他们自己的政治议题。He wa... -
2024年06月14日 19:34:10The negotiations have been in limbo since mid-December.从12月中旬开始谈判就一直处于停滞状态。By mid - December Mary Anne had raised only a few hundred dollars.到12月 中旬,玛丽·安妮仅募集到几百美元.The German industrial conglomerate said in mid ... -
2024年06月14日 21:38:10We are, by astronomical standards, a pampered, cosseted, cherished group of creatures.按照天文标准, 我们是一群受宠过头 、 珍爱有余、呵护备至的受造物.The only son had been pampered and spoiled.这个独子娇生惯养被宠坏了。He felt pampered and at home.他觉得备受... -
2024年06月14日 20:40:10那孩子能说出花园里所有的花名.The child can name all the flowers in the garden.她举出花园所有的花名.She mentioned all the flowers in the garden.的信息即将来临并且过去的比赛, 行动图画, 当前的花名同, 和一校友页.Information on upcoming and past tourneys, action pictu... -
2024年06月14日 23:31:09Four million Britons are now strict vegetarians.目前有400万英国人是严格的素食者。Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks.素食者不再被视为有怪癖的人。Vegetarians believe that eating meat is bad karma.素食者认为吃肉食是造恶业。... -
2024年06月14日 16:32:10锹和耙的手柄较长,可发挥较好的杠杆作用。The spade and fork have longer shafts, providing better leverage.较好的驾驶设备能够提升在湿滑路面上的抓地力。Better driv-ing equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.这个孩子曾在一所较好的学校里受过教育.The chi... -
2024年06月14日 18:02:10Strengthen the afferent flexibility, and make suffer to create the sensitive skin the instauration the health.增强血管弹性, 使受创敏感肌肤恢复健康.The reprobate and Satan will suffer eternal punishment in hell.被弃绝的人和撒但会在地狱受到永恒的... -
2024年06月14日 14:29:10移动代理能够自主地在异构的网络间迁移.Mobile agent can migrate autonomously among the heterogeneous networks.实现了多个异构的CAD系统与有限元自动建模系统的连接.The connection between dual kinds of heterogeneous CAD systems and the FEA auto - modeling sy... -
2024年06月14日 07:04:59A parsing program , or parser, is also called a recognizer.分析过程又称作识别程序.Semantic relevancy computation is used to solve structural disambiguity in parsing syntactic.为解决句法分析中的结构性歧义,引入了语义相关度计算.This chapter describ... -
2024年06月14日 22:03:18BI3002嵌入了最新的无失真数字放大技术.The BI 3002 is embedded with the newest generation of Lossless Digital Amplification LDA Technology.该算法提取出的水印无失真,可以改善水印系统不可感知性和不可统计性.The genetic algorithm can keep good perceptual transpar...