2024年06月18日 07:42:57Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity.倒闭和失业的消息又在一次次地反复宣布着。They are arguing against hospital closures.他们据理反对关闭医院。Other areas are to lose aid so that money can be reallocate... -
2024年06月18日 09:24:57The heavy traffic was re-routed past my front door.大量的车流改道经过我家前门。Approaching cars will be routed into two lanes.驶来的车辆会分流到两条车道。Our army routed the enemy into running for their lives.我们的队伍把敌人打得仓皇逃命.... -
2024年06月18日 09:46:57What are you going to do with all that junk, Larry?这一大堆破烂儿你打算怎么处理,拉里?These days, we are bombarded with endless junk mail, fliers, and general bumf.如今我们不得不面对铺天盖地的垃圾邮件、广告传单和无用的公文。How often do you eat junk food?你多... -
2024年06月18日 08:14:57这个男孩跑上来要了一份冰淇淋.The boy charged up and asked for an ice cream.冰淇淋的销量部分取决于天气.The sale of ice cream is partly determined by the weather.你要是再调皮,就吃不到冰淇淋了.If you are naughty you won't get any ice cream.... -
2024年06月18日 15:06:38接着飞机突然翻转并燃起了大火。The plane then flipped over and burst into flames.他的船撞上了大浪,飞速地翻转着。His boat hit a wave and somersaulted at speed.她的伞被风吹得翻转了。Her umbrella blew inside out.... -
2024年06月18日 15:14:38Years of war culminated in nothing less than a brutal razing of the city.经年的战争给这座城市带来的不亚于灭顶之灾.A romance extending over several years was culminated.一场数年之久的恋爱就此圆满告终.In the last 10 minutes Tranmere struck a purpl... -
2024年06月18日 15:19:38震撼的酒,实现了一些独特的、为酿造者所追求的东西.Rocking wines that achieve something special within what they try to be.但是,新的技术已经使在澳大利亚和新西兰的新一代葡萄酒酿造者选择了螺旋盖.But technology has New World wine makers like those in Australia and New Zeal... -
2024年06月18日 10:09:38His father switched him when he was disobedient.他不听话时,父亲就鞭打他。A new clock - feedthrough ( CFT ) compensation technology for switched - current circuits is described.提出一种开关 电流电路 时钟 馈通 的补偿技术.The device automatical... -
2024年06月18日 11:46:28The effective date of this contract will begin from Dec . 30 th, 2007.这个合同的有效期将从2007年12月30日开始.The persons elected will sit till 31 Dec . , 1973.当选者任期至1973年12月31日.On the evening of Dec. 31, we usually celebrate ... -
2024年06月18日 12:45:26Varying the style confuses everyone and signals poor attention to detail.混淆形式会迷惑所有人,而且标志着不注重细节.In our village, there is an antenna on every roof for receiving TV signals.在我们村里, 每家房顶上都有天线接收电视信号.Signals are made ... -
2024年06月18日 06:22:28Warm, stale air gusts up from the Metro, mixing with the smell of kebabs and urine.温热 、 污浊的空气在地铁站迎风而上, 混杂着烤肉和尿水的气味.The full project about measuring the stability of metro bogie was presented.给出了测试地铁转向架平稳度的完整方案.... -
2024年06月18日 10:36:29这本书填补了词典学方面的重大缺门.This book fills a major gap in lexicography.胡明扬 等, 《 词典学 概论》, 中国人民大学出版社, 1982.Ilson, Robert ( ed. ) , Lexicography : An emerging international profession . Manchester : Manchester University Pr... -
2024年06月18日 10:31:29如果你挠他的下巴,他的耳朵就会摆动。His ears wiggled if you scratched his chin.挡风玻璃上的雨刮“啪嗒啪嗒”地来回摆动。The windscreen wipers thudded back and forth.别靠近它摆动的尾巴。Don't go near that lashing tail.... -
2024年06月18日 10:22:29To Blanch Escargot: Blanching is the first step in preparing escargot dishes.如何将蜗牛焯水: 这一步是做法式蜗牛的关键步骤.Presently, Peroxidase is employed as indicator for blanching treatments of vegetables.目前蔬菜的热烫终点以过氧化物酶作为指示剂来确定... -
2024年06月18日 16:21:37Customs duty is a toll payable on merchandise imported into the country.进口关税是商品被进口到国内应付的费用.The flood of imported cars cheapened the cost of cars made here.大量涌入的进口汽车使本地产的汽车价格下跌.The key electrical appliance and p... -
2024年06月18日 16:55:37Methods: 30 cases of EM were administered medroxyprogesterone acetate after conservative surgery.方法: 对30例EM患者采用保守性手术方法治疗,术后口服醋酸甲羟孕酮作巩固治疗.OBJECTIVE To establish a rapid and exclusive method for the identificatio... -
2024年06月18日 15:16:38He put on a cattail - knitted hat , and left home.他戴上个蒻笠就出门了....a woolly vest knitted in garter stitch.用平针法编织的羊毛背心She knitted him 10 pairs of socks to take with him.她给他织了10双袜子让他带走。Knitwear and Knitted Fabrics, ... -
2024年06月18日 10:07:38Do you want to serialize all AE plugins?你想要连载所有的AE插件 吗 ?Southern blot analysis showed that there was one copy of Pin agene in Ae . juvenalis.SouthernBlot分析结果表明,牡山羊草中 Pin a基因含有1个拷贝.The CRF 01 - AE subtype was th... -
2024年06月18日 15:01:38这4个省被严重的家族和部族纷争弄得四分五裂。The four provinces are riven by deep family and tribal conflicts.他正在想办法摆脱这一纷争。He's looking for a way out from this conflict.这种不被承认就是这次纷争的根源。This lack of recognition was at the root of... -
2024年06月18日 13:43:00Brazil's deforestation rate has dropped astoundingly fast.因为巴西的森林砍伐率下降之快令人震惊.One percent of Brazil's total forest cover is being lost every year to deforestation.由于滥伐,巴西的森林总覆盖面积正在每年减少百分之一。Firewood sca...
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